
Jawline and Chin with Cannula Training Course

Jawline and Chin with Cannula Training Course teaches utilising Dermal Fillers to improve the shape of the jawline, cheek and chin

Cannulas are the safest and best way to fill complicated anatomical regions of the face creating bespoke sculptured results befitting to the architectural shape required. Whetheryou have never used cannulas or feel that you would benefit from additional training intheir use, this Jawline and Chin with Cannula Training Course is for you.

During the ageing process, the chin moves backwards, and with other skull movement leads to bone and soft tissue in the chin area dissolving, resulting in reduced structural support in the lower face.

Faces also age because the skin’s supportive network of collagen, molecules and elastinbreaks down. With a trained and experienced aesthetic practitioner dermal filler can replace this structural support and change the contours of the chin. a-training will teach you to revolumise and restore areas of the face, jawline and chin, non-surgically.

Chris Wade founded the Dermal Definition™ Revolution. Learn these unique advanced techniques for precise control over your clients facial contours using safe and effective cannulas.

Course Duration

1 day course - Start: 9:30 am, Finish: 4:30 pm.

Cost - £995 (plus VAT)

The course fee includes your practical training, educational resources and unrivalled after support, giving you not only the skills but the confidence to start your own clinics.

Learning Objectives

You will Learn